Reflexology for Fertility, Pre-conception and Pregnancy


Aimed at qualified Therapists wishing to expand their skills, this advanced reflexology course provides the theoretical and practical knowledge required to provide safe, relaxing, and beneficial reflexology treatments for pre-conception through to post-natal clients.

Please read the full course description below

Dates for this course are arranged on demand.

Please choose your course location from the options below when you place your booking, and your tutor will contact you to arrange a convenient date for your training.

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Full course description:

Course overview:

Aimed at qualified Therapists wishing to expand their skills, this advanced reflexology course provides the theoretical and practical knowledge required to provide safe, relaxing, and beneficial reflexology treatments for pre-conception through to post-natal clients.

Reflexology enhances a couple’s chances of conceiving naturally. Regular treatment ensures both man and woman are in optimum condition for encouraging conception and implantation, helping to restore regularity to menstrual cycles and greater hormonal balance and reducing stress.

Sub-fertility is rarely only simply a physical issue: stress, emotions, fear, anxiety, trauma, and beliefs all play a vital role in facilitating conception. Reflexology is a calm, relaxing holistic therapy that aims to alleviate tensions and promote relaxation and can be particularly beneficial in providing relaxation throughout assisted conception such as IVF which can put additional stress on a couple undertaking this journey.

Reflexology is also a wonderful way to induce relaxation and may increase endorphin and serotonin release during pregnancy. Many women have attributed reflexology whilst pregnant to improved sleep and reduced pain during labour and possibly reduce time spent in the first stages of labour.

Postnatally, hormone levels drop and new mothers can feel stressed and overwhelmed. Reflexology can help restore the body to its pre-pregnant state through re-balancing and giving you time to relax and de-stress.

Course Content:

  1. An Introduction To Reflexology for Fertility, Pre-Conception and Pregnancy
  2. Relevant Anatomy & Physiology
    • Fertility Cycle & Hormones
    • Stages of Pregnancy & Labour
  3. From Pre-Conception to Post Natal
    • Pre-Conception
    • Natural Conception
    • Sub Fertility and Infertility
    • Assisted Conception
    • Pregnancy
    • Post Natal
  4. Contraindications
  5. Treatment Protocols
    • Natural Conception & Men
    • Assisted Conception
    • Pregnancy
    • Post Natal
  6. After Care & Contra Actions

Pre-requisites: Level 3 Reflexology Diploma including Anatomy & Physiology

Teaching Format: In-person training

Model Required? Yes, if taught individually. Otherwise, students will work on each other. Check ‘contraindications’ in the course manual to determine suitability for treatment for yourself or prior to choosing your model. Your model must NOT be pregnant.

Course Fee includes training manual, training materials, assessment, and certification

Required Self-Guided (Theory) Learning: 90 hours

Practical Course Length: 2-day full course, 1 day refresher course

Assessment: Completion of guided home study and preparation of written assessment prior to the practical training day. On the practical training days, continuous formative assessment, verbal questions, group discussion and performance of a reflexology treatment, from various given scenarios, with minimal guidance from your tutor, along with final completion of the written assessment.

Case Studies Required: None – however, practice on friends and family, following completion of practical training days, is highly recommended, prior to working on the public.

Accrediting Body: The Complementary Medical Association (CMA) and approved as insurable by Insync, BGi UK and Westminster Insurance, however please check with your own insurer to see if they will also cover this qualification

Qualification Attained: Natural Touch Training™ Accredited Diploma.

CPD Points: 38